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2024-01-20 15:16:23  人气:123

21. What does Trevor find interesting about the purpose of a children’s literature?

A.the fact that the authors may not realize what the values they are teaching

原文:what’s fascinating is that the writer isn’t necessarily conscious of the message they are convening.

22. Trevor says the module about the purpose of a children’s literature made him

C.decided to start writing some children’s stories

原文:Actually, it inspired me to have a go at it myself, just for my own interest.

23. Stephanie is interested in the pictures model because

A. She intends to become an illustrator原文:i’ve always enjoyed a drawing, so that’s the field I want to go into when I finished the course. I bet that modulewill be really helpful.

24. Trevor and Stephanie agree that comics

B. have the potential for being useful原文:there are plenty of kids who wouldn’t even try to read a book, so I think comics can serve a really useful purpose

25. with regard to books aimed at only boys are only girls, Trevor was surprised

B. Have few books were aimed at both girls and the boys原文:I was amazed at how many books were targeted at just one sex or the other

26.Perrault’s fairy tales 故事

F.started a new genre类型

原文:because no stories of that type 类型had been written before, these were the first.

27.The Swiss Family Robinson

E.original title refers to another book

原文:because it’s about a Swiss family who are shipwrecked, like Robison Crusoe in the novel of a century earlier.

28.The Nutcracker and The Mouse King

C.inspired a work in a different area of art

原文:wasn’t that the basis for Tchaikovsky’s ballet The Nutcracker? That’s right. It has some quite bizarre elements.

29.The Lord of the Rings《指环王》

B.hard to read

原文:I struggled with Tolkien’s The Lord of Rings- three long books, and I gave up after one.

30.War Horse《战马》

G.unlikely topic

原文:hardly what you’d expect for a children’s story.很少会在儿童故事中发现这类题材。
