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2024-01-23 12:34:55  人气:94

Chinaprovides more channels and convenience for foreigners to come toChina for tourism and other purposes. One is to provide port visaconvenience for inbound tourists. At present, 97 port visa agenciesin 71 cities across the country can apply for group travel visas forforeign tourist groups organized and received by domestic travelagencies, with each stay in China not exceeding 30 days. The secondis to continuously optimize the transit visa free policy. At present,31 ports in 23 cities and 18 provinces have implemented a 72/144 hourvisa free transit policy for personnel from 53 countries. Personnelfrom 53 countries who transit from China to third countries orregions can hold valid international travel documents and connectingtickets and stay in designated areas for 72/144 hours without a visa,providing convenient travel for foreigners to engage in temporarybusiness, meetings, tourism and other activities during short-termtransit. The third is to implement regional entry visa free policies.Foreigners who meet the applicable conditions of the policy cantravel within the designated time and area. Currently, China hasimplemented a 15 day visa free policy for foreign tourist groupsentering Shanghai, a 30 day visa free policy for 59 countriesentering Hainan, a 144 hour visa free policy for ASEAN 10 countriesentering Guilin, Guangxi, and a 144 hour visa free policy for foreigngroups entering the Pearl River Delta region and Shantou inGuangdong. The fourth is to optimize customs clearance guarantees.Further simplify the inspection procedures for cruise ships and crewmembers, promote onboard inspection methods, improve customsclearance efficiency, and help promote relevant tourism enterprisesand cruise companies to design and launch more cruise routes andtourism products, attracting more visiting cruise ships and foreigntourists to visit China for sightseeing. Next, the NationalImmigration Administration will continue to coordinate and researchpolicies and measures to deepen and expand the opening up ofimmigration entry and exit management, further serving and ensuringthe development of China's tourism industry.


Chinaattaches great importance to inbound tourism services and will takemultiple measures to meet the inbound tourism needs of foreigntourists. One is to actively promote the convenient application ofentry and exit documents. Establish an identity authenticationplatform for entry and exit documents, and promote the convenientapplication of entry and exit documents in government services,public services, and the Internet. Currently, Hong Kong, Macao, andTaiwan residents can enjoy 35 conveniences in transportation,finance, telecommunications, education, medical care, socialsecurity, industry and commerce, taxation, accommodation, and otherfields by holding Mainland (Mainland) passes and other documents;Promote the convenience of social applications such as foreigntourists holding passports, permanent residence identity cards forforeigners in the People's Republic of China, and Hong Kong, Macao,and Taiwan tourists holding entry and exit documents to and from themainland (mainland) to book scenic spot tickets, purchase car (ship)tickets, and register accommodation. The second is to strengthen thetraining of inbound tourism courses. Actively participate in theinbound tourism partner action, continue to provide course trainingfor foreign tourists engaged in tourism business in China, helprelevant personnel understand relevant laws and policies, improve thequality of tourism services, regulate tourism behavior in China,prevent overseas group tourists from leaving at will, maintain normalinbound and outbound order, and provide high-quality inbound tourismservices for tourists in China.


Whatconditions do foreigners need to meet to apply for a 72/144 hourtransit visa exemption?


First,Citizens of countries within the 72/144 hour transit visa freerange;


Second,Must hold a valid international travel document that can proveone's national identity (with a validity period of no less than 3months) and meet the entry requirements for traveling to a thirdcountry or region;


Third,According to the transit visa free duration applied for, it isnecessary to hold a connecting ticket or relevant proof to a thirdcountry or region with a confirmed date and seat within 72/144 hours,fill out a temporary entry card for foreigners, and accept inquiriesfrom the entry and exit border inspection authorities.


Ifforeigners meet the above conditions, they can apply for a 144 hourtransit visa exemption to the border inspection authorities of 20cities in China, or apply for a 72 hour transit visa exemption to theborder inspection authorities of 3 cities. Other cities have not yetimplemented this policy.




Individualswho hold passports or other international travel documents with avalidity period of less than 3 months, have a stamp of refusal fromChina's visa authorities, or have records of illegal entry, exit,residence, or employment within 5 years will not be granted atemporary entry permit by the border inspection authorities.Therefore, such individuals cannot apply for a 72/144 hour transitvisa exemption.


Regionalentry visa free policy


ShanghaiForeign Tourism Group Cruise Line Entry 15 Days Visa Free


Foreigntourist groups (2 or more people, including 2 people) are organizedand received by travel agencies registered within China, and enterthe Shanghai cruise port as a whole without visa application. Thetourist group must accompany the same cruise itinerary and exit thecountry. The scope of activities is limited to coastal provinces andBeijing, namely Shanghai, Liaoning Province, Hebei Province, TianjinCity, Shandong Province, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, FujianProvince, Guangdong Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, andHainan Province. Cruise ports are located in cities and theirsurrounding urban administrative areas, with a stay time of 15 days.


30day visa free for inbound tourism to 59 countries in Hainan


Individualsfrom 59 countries can enter Hainan without visa through travel agencyinvitations, unit invitations, or self declaration. The applicablecountries are limited to 59 countries, including Russia, the UnitedKingdom, France, Germany, Norway, Ukraine, Italy, Austria, Finland,the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, CzechRepublic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ireland,Cyprus, Bulgaria Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, the United States, Canada,Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, SouthKorea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Philippines,Indonesia, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Monaco, Belarus, withactivities limited to Hainan Province, All ports of entry and exit inHainan that are open to the outside world, with a stay time of 30days.


144hour visa free entry for tourist groups from 10 ASEAN countries inGuilin, Guangxi


Atravel group consisting of two or more people from ten ASEANcountries, organized and received by a travel agency, can enterGuilin Airport without visa application. Applicable countries arelimited to Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos,Myanmar, Singapore, Brunei, and the Philippines. The scope ofactivities is limited to the city of Guilin, Guangxi. The entry andexit ports are the open ports of Guilin, Guangxi, with a stay time of144 hours (6 days) and a group entry and exit method.


144hour visa free entry for foreign groups from Hong Kong and Macaoentering Guangdong


Foreigncitizens from countries that have established diplomatic relationswith China are allowed to enter the Greater Bay Area through legallyregistered travel agencies in Hong Kong and Macau (with a tour groupof 2 or more people) to travel from Hong Kong and Macau to 9 citiesin the mainland and the Shantou area. They are allowed to enterwithout a visa and stay for 144 hours with a regular passport. Thescope of activities is limited to 9 cities including Guangzhou,Foshan, Zhaoqing, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhuhai, Zhongshan,Jiangmen, and Shantou. The entry and exit ports are open to theoutside world ports of the 10 cities mentioned above, with a staytime of 144 hours (6 days) and a group entry and exit method.

