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2021-11-19 12:02:00  人气:161


Master’s in Robotics





Artificial Intelligence:

CIS 519 Applied Machine Learning

CIS 520 Machine Learning

CIS 521 Fundamentals of AI

ESE 650 Learning in Robotics

Robot Design and Analysis:

MEAM 510 Design of Mechatronic Systems

MEAM 520 Introduction to Robotics

MEAM 620 Advanced Robotics


ESE 500 Linear Systems

ESE 505/MEAM 513 Control Systems Design

MEAM 517 Control & Optimization w/Applications in Robotics

ESE 619 Model Predictive Control


CIS 580 Machine Perception

CIS 581 Computer Vision & Computational Photography

CIS 680 Adv. Topics in Machine Perception

Technical Elective Courses (must complete at least 5)

BE 521 Brain-Computer Interfaces

BE 570 Biomechatronics

CIS 502 Analysis of Algorithms

CIS 510 Curves & Surfaces: Theory & Applications

CIS 511 Theory of Computation

CIS 515 Foundations of Linear Algebra & Optimization

CIS 519 Applied Machine Learning

CIS 520 Machine Learning

CIS 521 Fundamentals of AI

CIS 526 Machine Translation

CIS 530 Computational Linguistics

CIS 540 Principles of Embedded Computation

CIS 541 Embedded Software for Life-Critical Applications

CIS 545 Big Data Analytics

CIS 560 Computer Graphics

CIS 562 Computer Animation

CIS 563 Physically Based Animation

CIS 564 Game Design & Development

CIS 565 GPU Programming & Architecture

CIS 580 Machine Perception

CIS 581 Computer Vision & Computational Photography

CIS 610 Advanced Geometric Methods

CIS 620 Advanced Topics in AI

CIS 625 Computational Learning Theory

CIS 680 Adv. Topics in Machine Perception

CIS 700 Data-Driven Robotic Perception and Control (*other topics considered a general elective for ROBO)

CIS 700 Integrated Intelligence for Robotics (*other topics considered a general elective for ROBO)

CIS 700 Topics in Machine Perception (*other topics considered a general elective for ROBO)

ENM 510 Foundations of Engineering Math I

ENM 511 Foundations of Engineering Math II

ENM 520 Principles and Techniques of Applied Math I

ENM 521 Principles and Techniques of Applied Math II

ESE 500 Linear Systems

ESE 504 Introduction to Optimization

ESE 505/MEAM 513 Control Systems Design

ESE 512 Dynamical Systems for Engineering and Biological Applications

ESE 514 Graph Neural Networks

ESE 518 Learning for Dynamics

ESE 519 Real Time & Embedded Systems

ESE 530 Elements of Probability Theory & Random Processes

ESE 531 Digital Signal Processing

ESE 546 Principle of Deep Learning

ESE 547 Introduction to Legged Locomotion

ESE 601 Hybrid Systems

ESE 605 Convex Optimization

ESE 615 F1/10 Autonomous Racing

ESE 617 Nonlinear Systems

ESE 618 Learning for Dynamics and Control

ESE 619 Model Predictive Control

ESE 625 Nanorobotics

ESE 650 Learning in Robotics

ESE 680 Dynamic Programming (*other topics considered a general elective for ROBO)

ESE 680 Learning for Controls (*other topics considered a general elective for ROBO)

IPD 501 Integrated Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing & Analysis

MEAM 508 Materials for Manufacturing

MEAM 510 Design of Mechatronic Systems

MEAM 513/ESE 505 Control Systems Design

MEAM 516 Advanced Mechatronic Reactive Spaces

MEAM 517 Control and Optimization with Applications in Robotics

MEAM 520 Introduction to Robotics

MEAM 535 Advanced Dynamics

MEAM 543 Performance and Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

MEAM 545 Aerodynamics

MEAM 620 Robotics

MEAM 624 Distributed Robotics

MEAM 625 Haptic Interfaces ? not currently being offered

PSYC 579 Experimental Methods in Perception

ROBO 599 (ESE/CIS/MEAM 599 for older students starting before Fall 2014) *Masters Independent Study (Note: Only one Independent Study may be taken for the degree)

ROBO 597 (ESE/CIS/MEAM 599 for students starting before Fall 2014) *Masters Thesis Research (Click here for masters thesis requirements.)

General Elective Courses (at most 2)

CIS 505 Software Systems

CIS 522 Deep Learning

CIS 523 Ethical Algorithm Design

CIS 548 Operating Systems Design and Implementation

CIS 550 Database & Info Systems

CIS 553 Networked Systems

CIS 700 Special Topic (not specifically listed on the technical electives courses page)

EAS 512 Engineering Negotiations

EAS 545 Engineering Entrepreneurship I

EAS 546 Engineering Entrepreneurship II

ENM 502 Numerical Methods & Modeling

ENM 503 Introduction to Probability & Statistics

ESE 540 Engineering Economics

ESE 543 Human Systems Engineering

ESE 545 Data Mining

ESE 680 Special Topic (not specifically listed on the technical electives courses page)

IPD 504/BE 514 Rehab Engineering and Design

IPD 511 Creative Thinking & Functional Iteration in Design

IPD 514 (MEAM514) Design for Manufacturability

IPD 515 Product Design (formerly MEAM 515)

IPD 525 Ergonomics/Human Factors Based Product Design

IPD 527 (ARCH727) Industrial Design I

PHIL 530 Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence



