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2022-07-13 13:35:44  人气:188





Many people usesocial mediaevery day to get in touch with other people and news events. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Today it is easier to access information solibrariesare no longer necessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
More and more people no longer readnewspaper or watch TV programsto get news. They get news about the world through theInternet.Is this a positive or negative development?
Today, many people put theirpersonal and private information online(address, phone number, and credit card number) to facilitate everyday activities, such as banking, shopping, and socializing. Is this a positive or negative development?

前三个月的科技类话题主要探讨的是传统媒介与现代媒介的对比:报纸,图书馆 vs. 现代信息技术(互联网获取信息、互联网信息安全隐患),大家在写此类话题作文时难点可能在于想不出“传统媒介存在的意义”:


传统熟悉的获取信息的载体,尤其是特殊群体比如老年人-- traditional and familiar carrier of accessing information, particularly for senior citizens

信息更权威更可靠-- more authorized and reliable thanks to the rigorous censorship system of publishing newspapers


传统熟悉的获取信息的地方-- traditional and familiar place of searching for resources, information, particularly in academic atmosphere

信息更权威更可靠,书籍在学术知识的深度和广度上占据优势-- more authorized and reliable, especially when it comes to academic and professional knowledge; Internet or TV programs cannot compete with it in depth and width

城市或社区活动中心-- serve as an activity center in urban areas or local community to organize events, childcare or education


资讯新来源-- new source of gaining information, grow in popularity among almost all age categories and young people in particular

方面快捷,不受时间和地点的限制,随时随地想看就看-- provide considerable convenience and flexibility, not restricted in geographical factors

信息范围广,信息资源新,可以快速了解全世界各地发生的资讯-- dabble in / be informed of an enormous array of information concerning diverse topics around the world

信息传递更生动 -- convey information in a more vivid and real way because of sounds, moving images

假消息泛滥 -- be flooded with false or fake news just for the purpose of drawing public’s eyes

个人信息泄露 -- disclosure of personal information


People living in twenty-first century havea better quality of lifethan people who live in previous century. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

题干中的关键词a better quality of life 比较抽象,我们在思考论点的时候,可以尝试细化更好的生活质量的具体表现,比如科技(technology) 、交通( transportation )、医疗( medical care) 等,这样更容易在有限的写作时间里提炼出观点。


Some countries spend a lot of money on making it easier to use bicycles in cities. Why? Is this the best way to solve traffic problems?
第二个问题是“the best way”, 这类化的题目尽量倾向不同意,从而顺势提出其他较好解决交通问题的办法。诸如大力发展公共交通(encourage public transportation) 、征收交通拥堵税(impose tax penalty on traffic congestion)、限行(license plate restrictions )等方式多措并举,让文章内容更丰富、更充实。

