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2021-08-24 12:01:15  人气:165




1. 计算机工程

2021 USNews美国大学专业排名:第16位

The Information Sciences Institute (ISI) is a world leader in research and development of advanced information processing, computer and communications technologies.A unit of the University of Southern California’s highly ranked Viterbi School of Engineering, ISI is one of the nation’s largest, most successful university-affiliated computer research institutes. The Institute attracts nearly $100 million annually for basic and applied research from federal agencies and the private sector.

信息科学研究所 (ISI) 在先进信息处理、计算机和通信技术的研究和开发方面处于世界领先地位。作为南加州大学排名靠前的维特比工程学院的一个单位,ISI 是美国最大、最成功的大学附属计算机研究机构之一。该研究所每年从联邦机构和私营部门吸引近 1 亿美元用于基础和应用研究。

2. 航空航天工程

2021 USNews美国大学专业排名:第21位

Astronautical Engineering encompasses the dynamic and cutting-edge fields of advanced science and space technology. Space engineers design, build and operate rockets and missiles, space launchers, communications and direct broadcasting satellites, space navigational systems, remote sensing and reconnaissance satellites, space vehicles for human spaceflight, and planetary probes.(摘自官网)


3. 生物医学工程

2021 USNews美国大学专业排名:33

Since our early roots as an option within electrical engineering in 1963, we have maintained a longstanding tradition of advancing biomedicine through the development and application of novel engineering ideas. Our department, established in 1976, includes over 75 primary and affiliated faculty members .

自1963年早期作为电气工程的一个分支诞生以来,我们一直保持着开发和应用新的工程理念来推进生物医学的悠久传统。部门成立于 1976 年,包括超过 75 名主要和附属教员。


The USC Viterbi School of Engineering is comprised of eight academic departments and several programs serving approximately 2,700 undergraduate and 5,900 graduate students. Viterbi students enjoy state-of-the-art laboratories, classrooms, and live Internet broadcast systems. We have 186 tenure-track faculty, with 96 endowed chairs and professorships.(摘自官网)

南加州大学维特比工程学院由八个学术部门和几个项目组成,为大约 2,700 名本科生和 5,900 名研究生提供服务。维特比学生享受最先进的实验室、教室和互联网直播系统。我们拥有 186 名终身教职员工,拥有 96 名特聘教席和教授职位。

